Check out some recommendations about exciting TV series, funny videos, and much more--even great student recommendations!--to practical español en casa or on the road.

Las Crónicas del Taco
After eating delicious tacos al pastor in Tijuana a couple Saturdays ago, it was a delight to stumble upon a Netflix series, Las Crónicas del Taco. It will have you salivating while you watch and determined to run out and get a taco ¡ahorita!
La Reina del Sur
Looking for a fun series to learn Mexican phrases and slang? Then you have to check out La Reina del Sur. Kate del Castillo may play the head of a narcotráfico ring, but in reality, she's la reina de drama de estilo latinoamericano. Her perfect enunciation of español mexicano makes for a terrific learning opportunity for you. Plus it's just fun watching her beat all the retos she faces in this aventura internacional.
La Casa de las Flores
Netflix's Mexican series, La Casa de las Flores, is getting a lot of buzz on social media these days. People love to use new phrases the characters throw at each other. It's a satirical telenovela set in a flower shop with plenty of dark family secrets to keep watchers guessing what happens next. The third and final season is coming soon!
Club de Cuervos
Want a good series to watch so you can laugh and learn Spanish? Then check out Club de Cuervos on Netflix. It's all about two contentious siblings trying to save their father's soccer team in their little town of Nuevo Toledo, Mexico. You'll love them, you'll hate them, and you'll most definitely laugh at the hermanos Iglesias.
La Balada de Hugo Sánchez
And after season 4 but before season 5, the final season, of Club de Cuervos, you have to watch the super hilarious La Balada de Hugo Sánchez. I'm not sure what's funnier, the original series or this spinoff!
Soltera Codiciada
I have a bit of a soft spot in my heart for anything to do with Peru. This Netflix flick Soltera Codiciada (How to Get Over a Breakup) hits the spot. A rom-com, the protagonist spends time in many fun areas of Lima while imagining she sees her ex who lives in Spain everywhere she goes. It's light and fun, just what we need for summer.
Ministerio del Tiempo
We just finished binge watching Netflix's Ministerio del Tiempo. It's an adventure, for sure. Three officers from different eras work for a secret government agency, guarding Spain's past against time-traveling intruders trying to manipulate history for their own ends. Season 4 comes out soon!
La Casa de Papel
In need of a good show so you can practice your Spanish listening skills and learn some new vocabulary while you're at it? These days we're watching Netflix's La Casa de Papel (Money Heist in English). Recently renewed for its third season, it's about a team of cons who rob Spain's Royal Mint, taking hostages, making the situation tenser hour by hour. You're sure to learn a lot of slang from Spain watching this thrilling series.
La escuelita de la maestra Salma Hayek
Would you like to attend una clase de español with la profe Salma? She teaches sus alumnos Adam Sandler, David Spade, and Kevin James a bit of español. She truly acts like a strict profesora de América latina! Practice rolling your Rs along with her. Mira el video.
Natalie Morales Teaches You Miami Spanish Slang
You know how here in San Diego we have a Mexican Spanglish? In Miami, it's Cuban Spanglish. Get some fun new vocab with this video! Míralo.
Which Accent is Sexiest? Celebrity Edition
I don't know about you, but to me, hearing español spoken can be pretty sexy in certain situations. The ladies in this Pero Like video agree. If you need a laugh, definitely check out these women listening to la banda CNCO with integrantes from República Dominica, Puerto Rico, México, Ecuador, and Cuba speaking Spanish to them. After you miras el video, escucha Llegaste Tú de CNCO y Prince Royce.
Student Recommendation: extra@ en español
While searching for slow Spanish videos on YouTube, one of my Basic Spanish students came across a cute series that he thought others would enjoy. Called extr@ en español, it's a 30-episode series similar to Friends. In the first episode, we're introduced to Lola and Ana, who live together, and their neighbor Pablo is in love with Lola and vice versa. That is until Lola receives a letter from an American named Sam. It's perfect for Basic and Pre-intermediate level Spanish students, as well as Intermediate students who need a refresher. Watch all 13 episodes on YouTube.
Student Recommendation: Duolingo Spanish Podcast
An Intermediate Spanish student shared a great way to learn Spanish while in your car. The 15-minute long Duolingo Spanish Podcast "tells stories of real people, half in Spanish and half in English. The different language parts don’t translate each other but both build on the story, so there is a lot of context provided that helped me figure it out," Joe explained. "It’s geared towards intermediate Spanish students, but I was surprised at how much of the Spanish I understood."
Need more recommendations? I'm always posting recommendations on Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to follow me there! Or sign up to receive updates on recommendations, tips classes, events, and special offers. ¡No te lo pierdas!
First Aug. 1, 2019
Updated Mar. 23, 2020